Today our little village was so quite and at a stand still for our friend Ben Murray, What we seen today was UNBELIEVABLE, The guard of honour from, his school and the 3 clubs was so so nice.It ran the whole road.Our little village was so quite and everyone really came together from wonderful traffic management and the catering in the hall and the wonderful professional service from John healy undertakers and the lovely mass and video link to the secondary school and our local gaurd brendan minnock and crew.All on all it was so so sad today to say good bye to a Son, a brother, a relitive a friend or a team mate.Ben you will never be forgotten in the community here.WHAT A LOVELY SEND OF BY ALL INVOLVED. The messages I've received here from other clubs is unreal. everyone was so so happy to thank everyone in our club and in rochfortbridge for there huge effort to give our Ben a huge send off.....ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK YOU EVERYONE